Sunday, March 1, 2009

Westside R-alley Cat

Yo. Kevin and I are throwin' this here alley cat to scare everyone away for good.

This alley cat is going to take you to the dirtiest, scummiest, and nastiest places in Seattle. This is the first of three Fundraisers that we are organizing to promote and fund the Westside 2009.
We will finish the race at the I-5 Colonnade with a BBQ and Fixed Freestyle and Footdown. If anyone wants to run a checkpoint please raise their hands now. There will be prizes, beer and food. Hopefully some blood and puncture wounds too. Kevin is organizing the freestyle event so as to iron out any kinks before the Westside in May. We are still debating on what style of freestyle to do. Will each rider get one minute to perform, or will it be a open session? Any suggestions?

Come out and join us, Rain or Shine.


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